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Passed Zend Certified PHP Engineer Examination

Just passed the Zend 200-550 Certified PHP engineer Exam on 19th March Saturday.

I bought the exam voucher from Zend website on 24th Jan.2016, cost me US$195, there was complementary Zend Studio – Basic – Perpetual license w/ 12 months support comes with the exam voucher, so you can download the Zend Studio and register with the licence. I scheduled my exam on Pearson VUE website to take the exam on 19th March 2016, Saturday morning 8.30 AM, at Comat Training Services. It was in the 6th floor of International Plaza, right at the exit of the TanJong Pagar (EW15) MRT.

I spent more than three months to prepare for this Zend 200-550 exam, by using online course provided by uCertify, I studied the whole course from the beginning to the end, through each chapter and lessons, studied the material content, pre-assessment, post-assessment, flash cards, quiz and exercises, I also downloaded the source code comes with the online course, imported the source code into the Zend Studio, setup the XAMPP in my Windows system, test and understood most of the source code in the online course. Finally there were three full length test comes inside the online course, I practiced those tests and got more than 90% score for all the three.

Other than uCertify, I used PHP online Manual as the resource to continue the study, but I cannot study all the material as there were too many in the PHP manual and with time constraint, but it is really good stuff and I suggest to study as more as possible to get yourself better prepared for the exam.

On the exam day, I felt I still had quite some area not understand fully, but I would not re-schedule the exam and wanted to give it a try. It was a 90 minutes exam having 70 questions, most are multiple choices type, and a few required more than one choice, some blank filling questions, overall it was harder than I expected, if I mastered the knowledge area, I will know the definite answer, but for some of the questions I am on the opposite side and have to take the best guess. The exam test your knowledge in real detail, so I would suggest to study in detail if you have more time to prepare for this exam, best to do the real test on the source code.

After the full time 90 minutes sitting in the exam room, I am not sure if I passed or failed, the system ends the exam automatically when time over and a “Congratulation…” pop up on the screen, it was a Pass! Yes, I didn’t wast the three months hard working time of the preparation, I got the exam report at the reception, there was no score on on the score report, only showing the GRADE: Pass.

My name was added and appeared in the Zend Yellow Pages as below,

The link as below:

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  • Received ZEND Certified PHP Engineer Certificate – Xiong Hui Lin's Personal page December 27, 2017

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