Redhat Linux install Eclipse

Installed the Eclipse PHP developer version and setup the desktop launcher 1, Install JDK, easy, downloaded the latest version JDK. rpm -Uvh jdk-8u20-linux-x64.rpm 2, download the Eclipse “Eclipse for PHP Developers“ extract to /opt to  install tar -xvzf eclipse-standard-luna-R-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz -C /opt 3, create the eclipse bash executable file in /usr/bin/ touch /usr/bin/eclipse chmod 755 /usr/bin/eclipse […]

kickstart usage in RHEL6

Kickstart is used in Redhat Linux automatically perform unattended operating system installation and configuration.Install Kickstart yum install system-config-kickstart Start the kickstart at “Applications->System Tools->Kickstart” you can generate your kickstart configuration file from kickstart configurator, just configure it one step by one step, herewith one link of the detail: here I generated ks_XiongX.cfg, add one line […]

VNC install and use in rhel6

Installed the VNCserver and VNCclient and tested. 1, install yum install vnc vnc-server 2, configure vim /etc/sysconfig/vncservers  VNCSERVERS=”2:root” #VNCSERVERARGS[2]=”-geometry 800×600 -nolisten tcp -localhost” VNCSERVERARGS[3]=”-geometry 800×600″ 3, start vncserver and test the connection from other pc. service vncserver status chkconfig vncserver on connect from other computer by using TigerVNC Viewer, needs to input “IPaddress:2”, will access […]

Redhat use CentOS YUM source

As Redhat Enterprise Linux needs to be registered to use the yum source, managed to uninstalled the Redhat yum and installed the CentOS YUM source, 1, uninstall the yum source. # rpm -aq | grep yum|xargs rpm -e –nodeps 2, install the CentOS yum and source. # wget # wget # wget […]