in SmartCard

Open Smart Card Shell Test on dump.js


Tested with Open Smart Card Shell tool , it is part of Open Smart Card Development Platform. I used my expired credit card, executed the script dump.js, and read out the basic credit card information.

Installing the Smart Card Shell

Installation is simple, just follow the guide.


You can also use [Eclipse plug-in] to use the Smart Card Shell.


Use the Smart Card Shell

It is easy to use, just click “SCSH3GUI.CMD” to start the Smart Card Shell Windows GUI.

Below is the command example:

Running setup script config.js ...

Smart Card Shell Scripting Engine (scdp4j) 3.13.220
(c) 2005-2016 CardContact Systems GmbH, Minden, Germany (
Enter 'help' for a command overview or 'quit' to close the shell

0000  3B 69 00 00 80 65 A2 01 01 01 3D 72 D6           ;i...e....=r.

TS  : 3B  Direct logic
TO  : 69  K    =     9 byte [historical characters]
TB1 : 00  pa   =     4 %    [programming voltage accurancy]
          I    =    25 mA   [maximum current]
          P    =     0 V    [programming voltage]
TC1 : 00  N    =     0 etu  [extra guardtime]
Pre-issuing data       : A20101013D ¢...=
Error: Compact TLV length field exceeds historical bytes - truncated
Card capabilities      :
    DF selection by full DF name
    DF selection by partial DF name
    DF selection by file identifier
    Short EF identifier supported
    Record number supported

q | quit                 Quit shell
r | reset                Reset card in reader
a | apdu(string)         Send APDU to card
print(string, ..)        Print string(s)
load(file)               Load and execute file
assert(expression, ..)   Assert that expressions are all true
defineClass(file)        Load Java class defining native objects
restart                  Restart shell (clears all variables)

or any other valid ECMAScript expression.
See doc/index.html for the complete documentation.

If this is the first time you use the Smart Card Shell and you want
to try it out, then insert a card into your reader and enter
Card error SW1/SW2=6b00 - Checking error: Wrong parameter P1-P2

6F 65 84 08 A0 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 A5 59 73 4A 06 07 2A 86 48 86 FC 6B 01 60 0C 06 0A 2A 86 48 86 FC 6B 02 02 01 01 63 09 06 07 2A 86 48 86 FC 6B 03 64 0B 06 09 2A 86 48 86 FC 6B 04 02 55 65 0B 06 09 2B 85 10 86 48 64 02 01 03 66 0C 06 0A 2B 06 01 04 01 2A 02 6E 01 02 9F 6E 06 19 81 22 02 01 00 9F 65 01 FF

To run the js script, you just need use load command, example:

Test on dump.js

Used my expired Citibank credit card.

Credit Card

Used Omnikey 5321v2 reader.

Card Reader

dump.js shell test result

AIDA0 00 00 00 03 10 10
0000  83 02 02 76                                      ...v

< ----Read application data as indicated in the Application File Locator.------
---------------------Collect input to data authentication.--------------------->
Record No. 2
0000  70 4D 57 13 41 47 46 30 66 66 66 66 D1 70 82 01  pMW.AGF0.c(H.p..
0010  00 00 03 66 10 00 0F 5F 20 1A 58 49 4F 4E 47 20  ...&amp;..._ .XIONG 
0020  48 55 49 4C 49 4E 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  HUILIN          
0030  20 20 20 20 9F 1F 18 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30      ...000000000

Record No. 1
0000  70 81 B3 90 81 B0 67 51 D5 FE 44 74 C7 A7 F9 1D  p.....gQ..Dt....

//below raw date was deleted...
//above raw date was deleted...

----------------------------Display Data Elements-----------------------------

Application Identifier (AID) - card: A0000000031010

Application Label: 5649534120435245444954 - VISA CREDIT

Track 2 Equivalent Data (Magnetic Strip): 
  Primary Account Number: 4147463066666666
  Expiration Date (YYMM): 1705
  Service Code: 201
  Discretionary Data: 0000066660000

//below data element was deleted...
//above data element was deleted...


EMV TLV Decoder

You can trace the log, and use EMV TLV Decoder to analyze the data, example as below,


70 EMV Proprietary Template
    8F Certification Authority Public Key Index
    92 Issuer Public Key Remainder
    9F32 Issuer Public Key Exponent
    9F46 Integrated Circuit Card (ICC) Public Key Certificate
    9F47 Integrated Circuit Card (ICC) Public Key Exponent
    9F49 Dynamic Data Authentication Data Object List (DDOL)
    9F4A Static Data Authentication Tag List

About the source code

It may not be easy to debug the source code, I use the print function to print out the intermediate data, as below read out application data example shows.

It read out Application Interchange Profile (AIP) and the Application File Locator (AFL). For detail, can refer to EMV_v4.3_Book_3_Application_Specification.

The APDU command example is as below,


The GET PROCESSING OPTIONS command initiates the transaction within the
The ICC returns the Application Interchange Profile (AIP) and the Application
File Locator (AFL).

The source code is as below,

 * Read application data as indicated in the Application File Locator.
 * Collect input to data authentication.
EMV.prototype.readApplData = function() {
    print(&quot;&lt;-----Read application data as indicated in the Application File Locator.------&quot;);
    print(&quot;---------------------Collect input to data authentication.---------------------&quot;);
    // Application File Locator must exist
    assert(typeof(this.cardDE[EMV.AFL]) != &quot;undefined&quot;);
    var afl = this.cardDE[EMV.AFL];

    //print('4444444444 ' + afl);  //08 02 02 00 10 01 01 00 10 03 04 00 18 01 02 01
    // Must be a multiple of 4
    assert((afl.length &amp; 0x03) == 0);

    // Collect input to data authentication 
    var da = new ByteBuffer();

    while(afl.length &gt; 0) {
        var sfi = afl.byteAt(0) &gt;&gt; 3; // Short file identifier
        var srec = afl.byteAt(1);   // Start record
        var erec = afl.byteAt(2);   // End record
        var dar = afl.byteAt(3);    // Number of records included in data authentication

    //print(&quot;4444444444 &quot; + sfi + &quot; &quot; + srec + &quot; &quot; + erec+ &quot; &quot; +dar);

        for (; srec &lt;= erec; srec++) {
            // Read all indicated records
            var data = this.readRecord(sfi, srec);
            print(&quot;Record No. &quot; + srec);

            // Decode template
            var tl = new TLVList(data, TLV.EMV);

            //print(&quot;55555555 &quot; + TLV.EMV + &quot; 666 &quot; + data);

            assert(tl.length == 1);
            var t = tl.index(0);
            assert(t.getTag() == EMV.TEMPLATE);

            // Add data authentication input            
            if (dar &gt; 0) {
                if (sfi &lt;= 10) { // Only value
                    //print(&quot;5555555 &quot; + t.getValue());
                } else {        // Full template
                    //print(&quot;6666666 &quot; + data);

            // Add card based data elements to internal list
            var tl = new TLVList(t.getValue(), TLV.EMV);

        // Continue with next entry in AFL
        afl = afl.bytes(4);
    this.daInput = da.toByteString();


EMV TLV Decoder
Open Smart Card Shell
dump.js source code
CardContact Github
Open Smart Card Development Platform
Installing the Smart Card Shell
The Smart Card Scripting Environment for Eclipse (SSE4E)

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